
Ok, so the only reason I even saw this was because Chunkbot was showing me his livejournal… Apparently I’m low fidelity.

You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it’s totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

7 thoughts on “Hipster?

  1. morte

    I got lo-fi as well. As usual with quizilla, however, none of the answers are ever terribly satisfactory for me.

    what’s up John? Long time no talk…


  2. Burrowowl

    Hot damn, if it isn’t old Morte’

    I hadn’t realized you were running a website now. Consider it bookmarked. I like to keep up on my ivory-tower intellectualism from time to time. It’s so much more interesting than the gibbering of policy wonks on the radio.

  3. morte

    Sometimes there can be significant gaps between entries (10+ days) so I encourage you to read some of the older entries from time to time.

  4. Burrowowl

    Gaps between postings? You lazy blogger, you!

    Bear in mind that if folks don’t see new crap every week or so they aren’t too likely to come back on a regular basis. What kind of timeline do you use for leaving old messages on your index? Mine changes from time to time (between 7 and 14 days depending on whether I’m posting once every 2 days or once a week)

  5. morte

    Currently my index goes back 10 calendar days. I’ve thought about changing it, but I’d rather first create an archive index that sorts by category. After all, I’d rather have people read my longer, more involved essays than short blurbs about how lazy I am or how the site needs a redesign.

    If I wanted to attract lots of vistors I would need only provide hundreds of links throughout the site on a daily basis. But frankly I have no interest in commenting on every single news story that appears. For now the blog is an outlet for writing, and my e-publishing geek desires. When I start putting out several quality essays a week, then I’ll start treating it more “professionally”.

  6. Burrowowl

    That sounds similar to how I approach this site. I publish when there is something happening in a restricted set of categories, and not otherwise. The “webnazi” category is rather broad, but that’s what it is for.

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