Plot Weaving

Familiar, isn't she? Scrapped Princess has been on the air for eighteen episodes so far, and has been positively received amongst my personal anime-sharing buddies. Since last I wrote regarding this sword-and-socery sometimes-comedy, sometimes-drama, six episodes have hit our shores via a handful of fansubbers. Most significantly, what initially appeared to be an episodic series of mini-adventures is starting to come together into something much grander in scale. By the 15th episode, the loose ends start clearly converging, and by the 16th episode, every character from the Heretic Inspector to the Assassin Bard to the army Weapon’s Master that the Castle family has left in their wake is converging in an increasingly clear way.

What the final resolution will be remains cloudy: How will Pacifica Castle, the poison that will destroy the world, fare against the many and varied forced rallied against her? What will Christopher do with his special task force, with his conscience increasingly set against his duty? How will Shannon protect his sister with Shizu hounding him everywhere he goes? I really don’t know, but if the writers handle the rest of the series as artfully as they’ve scripted the last three episodes, I’m sure we’re in for quite a show.

The next episode airs on August 26th, so I hope to have a copy within the week.

3 thoughts on “Plot Weaving

  1. Hyperboomer

    Very good review. ^_^ I only seen up to episode 15…still waiting for the local Anime store to get their hands on episode 16 – 18. I can’t wait.

    Well, The Peacemakers begin to make their move since Pacifica slowly begin to realize her true powers (She is the only human that Peacemaker cannot control, and that’s not her only powers). I think eventually the humans (Christopher for one) will know that Pacifica may be their ONLY salvation against the all-powerful Peacemaker.

    I wonder is Raqual has her own dragon…Since shannon (aka the D-knight) has one. That would be cool, don’t you think?

    Best regards,


  2. Burrowowl

    I somehow doubt that Raquel will turn out to have anything along those lines. With her magic abilities as potent as they are, I’d consider such extra power to be superlative.

    Regarding Christopher’s motivations, and what action he and his task force (Obstinate Arrow) will ultimately take, I suspect that you are right. He and his group were hand-picked by the Baroness, who appears to be an excellent judge of character who values discretion and stability.

    Of course, the possibility still exists that humanity is better off under the stewardship of the Peacemakers, though their policies are certainly harsh. I’ve been trying in my reviews to not give too much away about the plot (heck, I’ve been trying to give nothing away), but we still have no solid information about how the “genesis war” really ended, so it still remains to be seen if humanity is still benefiting from their presence.

  3. Hyperboomer

    Oooops, forgot about the spoilers…=P my bad.

    I’m sure eventually humans will find out the truth behind the Prophacy; Baroness sent Chris out for that exact reason. Although I dunno what her true motive is – she seem to be very cunning and calculating woman. We shall see how the director will take it.

    Man…I think I watched too much Anime…

    …than again, is there such thing as too much Anime?

    …I rest my case.


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