
[typical Kossite]The fine folks at Privateer Press have the IKCG in layout now, and have decided to consolidate all their past Behind the Iron Curtain entries and give us an eighth sneak peek at the contents of this long-awaited tome of RPG goodness. This time we get snippets of the descriptive text for the various races and ethnicities of Immoren. Caspian, Sulese, Kossite, Dwarf, and Ogrun are covered, each getting several paragraphs accompanied by Brian Snoddy’s excellect artwork. The following is from the entry on Kossites:

“In the khurzic tongue, ‘kos’ means ‘wolf.’ Indeed, like ravenous wolves, the Kossites once stalked and raided throughout the north, but by the time they decided to move southward, the Khards were already firmly entrenched. At first, they dealt with one another harshly, pillaging, plundering, and burning one another’s settlements, but after decades of violence, the Kossite chiefs opted it was more lucrative to make an alliance–actually they pledged fealty–and be united with what was an even more numerous tribe. The Kossites immediately took to the partnership with delight, leading many of the Khardic charges against their shared enemies, and before long, they were accepted as mighty “wolf-brothers” by the roving horselords….”