Moving Rightward

[Ein Fuhrer]Long-time off-and-on cohort, co-conspirator, and partner-in-crime Morte references a most astounding article from The American Conservative that raises a number of questions regarding the state of the United States’ democracy, as thoughtfully reflected upon in a recent posting. More disturbing, to me, was the following statement by writer Scott McConnell:

There may be, among some neocons and some more populist right-wingers, unmistakable antidemocratic tendencies. But America hasn’t yet experienced organized street violence against dissenters or a state that is willing, in an unambiguous fashion, to jail its critics.

Were there organized street violence against dissenters, as opposed to the disorganized but eerily-public vandalism of protesters’ property, it would already be too late for this discussion. Waiting for an American Kristallnacht isn’t adequate. By then our only recourse will be armed revolt, and history will forever reflect that, at least for a time, the American experiment failed utterly. This is especially true in light of the widespread complacency amongst major news outlets, who would rather chase after ratings with high-profile but politically insignificant criminal proceedings instead of working towards fostering an informed citizenry.

Discussion and deliberation of the merits of public policy must be constant and honest. This is the individual responsibility of everybody that values democratic principles just as it is the individual responsibility of every good muslim to wage a defensive jihad.