Khador – Handy Facts

[Visit Beautiful Khardov]During your stay in the lovely but rugged lands of Khador, whether touring the scenic steppelands of our Khardic forefathers, riding the Iron Highway on state-of-the-art Blaustavya trains, or visiting the ancient shrines and temples of both the Good Twin and the Shaper of Man, there are some things you will often be called upon to know.

Our land is a proud Monarchy, headed by Queen Ayn Vanar XI. Her bloodline draws back to the ancient pre-Orgoth horselords, and she is a fine example of Khadoran strength and austerity. Her house and army are strong, and she is admired and beloved by her people. For fourteen years she has given the Khadoran people much to be proud of. Serfdom has been abolished by royal decree since 546 AR; it is said that every loyal Khadoran is truly free.

The weather in Khador has always been described as “harsh,” as our long winters freeze this part of Immoren for five months out of the year, but this is mostly only true of the northern reaches. Our farmers and craftsmen are known for their efficiency and strength, making due with relatively short growing seasons and the threats of the northern wilderness. Against these dangers the Winter Guard is ever-vigilant, patrolling our major settlements constantly.

Every Khadoran is required to register for possible conscription upon reaching adulthood. In times of need, every male that is of age may be called upon to assist the Winter Guard to keep the peace and defeat our enemies. As a matter of civic pride, nearly all Khadoran men volunteer for military service at seventeen years of age. Khadorans have always been a strong people, and visitors are advised to avoid arousing the locals’ tempers.

The worship of Morrow is predominant, though the Old Faith of Menoth remains strongly anchored in our culture. Ever respectful of our ancient traditions, we honor Menoth the Lawgiver and Shaper of Man, all the while seeking self-betterment and enlightenment as Morrow would have us. In Khador more than anywhere else, the faiths of Menoth and Morrow cohabitate harmoniously, each held firmly in the hearts of our people. Please note that leaders of the Old Faith here in the North do not recognize the Heirarch in Southern Cygnar, instead relying upon the older tradition of leadership by a number of Visgoths. The Church of Morrow in Khador, as with everywhere else, respects the authority of the Primarch and the Exordeum.

Our money is accepted throughout the Iron Kingdoms and is well known for its reliable purity, the artisanship of its design, and its economical proportions. Khadoran currency is minted in accordance with the Corvis Treaties. Each is stamped with the likeness of the current monarch on the obverse, and the coin’s namesake on the reverse.

The Horn is cast in copper
The Hoof is cast in silver
The Talon is cast in gold
The Fang is cast in platinum

When visiting Khador, you are advised to trade in foreign jink at the nearest tax collector’s office to ensure favorable exchange rates. Many loyal Khadoran shopkeepers and professionals will not accept foreign moneys, or charge an exorbitant fee for dirtying their hands with the stuff.

When traveling overland, keep an eye out for any Czavyana Trading Posts that may be available. In addition to excellent trade goods at good prices, Czavyana maintains inns that can provide a weary traveler with a soft bed, a hot bath, and a good warm meal with the best of Khadoran hospitality.

*Note: This is a rewrite of an older article regarding Khador.