Week of Frenzy

[Satyxis Raider] Last weekend, the folks at Privateer Press set off an avalanche of forum activity and chatter amongst their internet-intensive fanbase by publishing not only previews of the Harbinger‘s model for WARMACHINE, but also a number of previews pertaining to the much-anticipated Liber Mechanika and a cryptic sub-site featuring a Winter Guard watchman demanding a password.

The Liber Mechanika is expected to have all manner of crunchy goodness, including rules for creating and using steam-drive power-assist armor, mechanikal limb replacements, and just about anything else you may need in order to go on an adventuresome rampage through Western Immoren. Though I’m still basking in the afterglow of the IKWG, I’m very much looking forward to August. Arcane Mechaniks and Bodgers are about to get about twenty times as useful, I suspect.