Fans of japanese animation have long been aware of a subgenre known as “super-deformed.” It originated, to the best of my knowledge, with the release of small-bodied, big-headed “cute” Gundam toys many years ago. Super-deformed versions of all many of popular products have come forth, from chibi-Dragonball to chibi-Evangelion. Well, a fellow calling himself JaggedToothGrin on the Privateer Press Fora has brought this deviant little tradition over to the world of WARMACHINE. Presented for your amusement, Chibi Cryx, the diabolically-evil, piratical, tyrranous, (and now cute) arch-villains of the Iron Kingdoms setting:
From left, these are the Warwitch Deneghra, the Iron Lich Asphyxious, Lich Lord Terminus, a Bane thrall, and Pirate Queen Skarre.
Those are adorable!
Thanks for sharing!
You disgraced the cryx… what the hell is wrong with u
Who disgraced what? You’re making no sense, man. These are some excellent examples of fan art that demonstrates some style and flair.