Antoll Ma

[Antoll Ma] I know that on general principle, one shouldn’t reward usenet spammers by actually plugging their advertised websites, but an exception positively had to be made for ANTOLL MA. This particular site, as spammed in a variety of Tacoma, Washington newsgroups (how I came to visit those groups is another matter unto itself), details a bewildering array of numerological new-age cult-ish ramblings the like of which I haven’t seen since my roommate bought a VHS tape regarding nazi airbases in Antarctica.

A representative sample follows:

For three years, everything happened naturally and with ease. Mentally I had been preparing myself for a week for the 5th and 6th June 1978. However, my preparation was interrupted by a friend who asked me to go and see him, I hadn’t planned that. She thought she could come to the meeting with me and with her daughter, a well-known actress at that time. I was completely perturbed. At that time, I used to think that meetings were very confidential. In 1978, no major observations, 1979, the same thing. The contact was lost. The years went by without the slightest confirmed collaboration of the phenomenon. I attempted therefore to understand the meaning of Antoll Ma and especially the importance of the days with contact. The number six appears a lot. 6th June 1975, 6th June 1976. The month of June is, in itself, the sixth month of the year. Why not the 6th June 1977 rather than 5th June 1977 ? That would have naturally given 666 by concatenation. The number of the beast of the Apocalypse. At that time, I had dreaded making contact on 6th June 1977 because I would have thought that I was being contacted by evil powers, even more so, because I didn’t really know the meaning of the Apocalypse or 666. I decided to find out. That is to say, gather the different elements together with the intention of finding a meaning for the mystery in order to study it and find out its secret. Often, I went to the Literature faculty at the University of Aix-en-Provence in order to be alone in a classroom. I wrote the words ANTOLL MA in large letters on the board and then stepped back to see it better. Underneath, I wrote the dates of each contact and stepped back once again. Finally, I ended up finding the reality of a countdown. The countdown starting with 6 gives 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Seeing as each of the letters of the first name could contain two contacts and that the name MA is the final step, being zero, I obtained a sort of double countdown, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22, 11, 0. Putting the series on the board in the following configuration…

Additional fun links follow

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