
Despite its rich intellectual history, conservatism at its core is little more than the recycling of old ideas throughout time. Interesting, sure, but hardly sufficient for someone who values progress more than tradition.


Really? Conservatives want to promote old ideas and keep things the way they were? That’s kinda what “conservative” means, most concisely put as “the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change.” Yet the writer values progress over tradition. That sounds more like a diametrically-opposed world view, that of a progressive. Of course conservatism doesn’t appeal to a progressive. It’s like saying that red jelly beans don’t appeal to you because you prefer blue jelly beans. It explains nothing.

2 thoughts on “Conservative

  1. Burrowowl Post author

    That’s the kind of blog comment I’d expect from a Ron Paul supporter. I was writing specifically about a “well, duh” observation about political language, not some specific political candidate.

    Obama gets plenty of play elsewhere. Iowans may have knocked two of my favorites out of the running, but that doesn’t mean I’m prepared to throw my hat in with the media darlings just yet.

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