Iron Man

Iron Man

Earlier today I spent matinee money to see Marvel‘s new Iron Man movie. Absolutely worth it. It’s probably the best-executed superhero movie of the decade. Go see it. Don’t doubt, just go.

5 thoughts on “Iron Man

  1. matt

    Yeah… I will say that I liked this more than Batman Begins, although I am not as big a marvel fan in real life… (heh in real life? wtf?). I certainly like this more than any other Marvel movie which has come out. Spiderman and spiderman 2 (I have blocked out spiderman 3 completely) come in 2nd in the marvel line for me. I would rather see an Ultimate X-Men movie rather than what we saw. Plus they didn’t have Bruce Campbell cameos.

    The PC side of me cringed a bit at some of the chauvinistic moments… but the chauvinist side of me was chuckling.

  2. Burrowowl Post author

    Meh. How many more times do I have to endure the Batman origin story (they have to tell it every movie; I think there’s a law) just to see him set against a re-re-re-imagined Joker? Ooh, this time the bad guy is sloppy and played by a dead guy. Yay.

  3. logtar

    How weekends at bernies… oh wait, he was alive when he shot the movie…

    I agree with you, the movie was very well executed.

  4. Burrowowl Post author

    They totally ought to make a Weekend at Bernie’s-style movie where a bunch of people are trying to make a Batman sequel but can’t let the producers find out that Heath Ledger is dead. It’d be like a license to print money. Box office gold!

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