It’s been too long, but more horrible character names have come to my attention, so I must pass them along. Today’s list is aiming for “ridiculously masculine” in some way or another.
- Manpower von Thunderjunk
- Diego Brando
- Baron Praxus
- Longrod Von Hugendong
- Ezra “Thunderbolt” McClintock
- Heironymous Imperiol
- Max Steel
- Inigo Montoya
- Butch Deadlift
- Thick McRunfast
- Rex Gatling
- Blast Hardcheese
- Axeface McBeardfist
- Woodcock van Treeslayer
- Dr. Grimbeard Ironcock, Ph.D
- Barrel Locstoc
- Brick Hardmeat
- Fighter McWarrior
- Lance Manthrob
- Chad McSexxington
- Corporal Studly
- Max Fightmaster
- Rockhard Morningwood
- Chuck Steak
- Trent Asunder
As always, additional suggestions are always welcome. Clearly, I just can’t wait for my kid to be in grade-school.
Daring Sodbury
Is that Daring Sodbury of the Manchester Sodburys?
indeed. Heir to the Sodbury Baking Chocolate Formula
Point of order! Inigo Montoya is not intrinsically “ridiculously masculine”. The character was pretty macho, but his name was not.