Please peruse the evil Flash-based Official Site for one of the neatest ideas to come around in the gaming industry for a while: make the cartoon, the video game, and the comic book together.
As opposed to past situations where a game was written to mimic and existing cartoon or comic book, this was acutally actively the intention for Project .Hack from the start. How well does it pan out? I dunno yet. I intend to finish watching .Hack//Sign before I pick up .Hack//Infection or Liminality.
all dot hack stuff should burn in hell
can you get me the hell out of this game i’m very very hungray
I would imagine that you are. Looks like you have some issues to resolve with your dad, if you don’t mind me prying 🙂
.hack is he greatest and very addictive. in fact i almost had a nervous brekdown when there was a powere outage while i was playing it.
.hack is he greatest and very addictive. in fact i almost had a nervous brekdown when there was a powere outage while i was playing it.
It’s almost time for me to pick up //mutation, but alas I still have some world-conquering to take care of in Hearts of Iron. I understand that in the latest installment you gain an additional “twilight bracelet” ability that effectively data-drains multiple opponents.