Kingdom of Loathing

[An Adventurer Is You!]For those of you who are sick of paying outrageous prices for poorly-developed video games and are tired of the effort and skulduggery involved in obtaining illegitimate copies of same, give The Kingdom of Loathing a try. It’s witty, insightful, jam-packed with obscure pop-culture references, terrible art, and even more terrible puns. Adventure as a Seal Clubber, Turtle Tamer, Pastamancer, Sauceror, Accordion Thief, or Disco Dancer. Defeat Saber-toothed Lemons, Orcish Frat Boys, and Dirty Hippies! Build your own Bartender-in-a-Box and arrange some good feng shui at your campsite! It works on all systems, it’s free, it’s fun, go play it.