The northern regions of the Iron Kingdoms are home to the Khadoran empire. Comprized of an amalgam of Khardic, Kossite, Skirov, Umbrean, and the Ryn, the martial history of this region revolved primarily around the untamed woodsmen of Kos, the barbarians of Skirov, and the Khardic and Umbrean horselords. Though these cultures now share a single military, some traces of the old preferences are still present, as fathers teach their sons and mothers teach their daughters the traditions of their ancestry. Through the play-fighting of children and the prejudices of drill sergeants, Khadoran armsmen still present a variety of martial weapons.
In addition to limiting the availability of martial weapons that have no strong presence in the martial traditions of these cultures, I am also including many of the “exotic” weapons into their native cultures, and adding a handful of additional “simple” weapons.
Khardic Martial Weapons
The Khards are a proud, ancient people with a long tradition of mounted warfare. Through their incessant wars with the Umbrean, Kossites, and Skirov, they simultaneously imposed their will upon their neighbors and learned from them on the fields of battle. Rifles have become extremely popular over the past generation, as the Khadoran military has been modernized under Ayn Vanar.
- Glaive, Guisarme, Halberd, Ranseur, Fork
- Light & Heavy Lances
- Short & Long Swords
- Great Axes
- Light & Heavy Horseman’s Axes
- Rifles
- Shortbows
Khardic Simple Weapons
- Battle Axe
- Khardic and Hunting Spears
Kossite Martial Weapons
With a tendency to live in smaller communities, the Kossites have a long and storied history of woodcraft, hit & run warfare, and archery. Long ago conquered, their weapons of choice have a strong Khardic influence.
- Great Axes
- Light & Heavy Horseman’s Axes
- Light & Heavy Lances
- Short & Long Swords
- Short & Long Bows
- Rifles
Kossite Simple Weapons
- Battle Axes
- Hunting & Khardic Spears
Ryn Martial Weapons
The Ryn have had the privilege of being at the nexus of trade between Ios, Rhul, and the Iron Kingdoms. The continuous influx of foreign money into the Rynnish economy for hundreds of years has yielded an extremely sophisticated culture, and this is reflected even in how they arm themselves. Light dueling swords with basket and ring hilts (such as Rapiers) and elaborately-decorated pistols are favored by the large aristocracy of the Ryn, as well an anybody seeking to move up in the world. Rynnish martial tradition since the rebellion era has leaned heavily upon the use of cannon, rifles, and light polearm brigades.
- Short & Long Swords
- Great Swords
- Cleft Great Swords
- Cleft Spears
- Guisarmes
- Rapiers
- Halberds
- Pistols & Rifles
Skirov Martial Weapons
The proud Skirov tribesmen resisted civilization longer than any other major population of the Iron Kingdoms, save perhaps the Idrians. They have a strong tradition of producing tremendously-devout holy warriors and clerics, and have a strong inclination towards weapons that have been traditionally associated with priests and paladins.
- Flail & Heavy Flail
- Bastard & Great Swords
- Cleft Great Swords
- Cleft Spears
- Caspian Battle Blades & Glaives
- Flail & Heavy Flail
Skirov Simple Weapons
- Greatclub
- Maul
- Light & War Hammers
Umbrean Martial Weapons
The Umbreans are an ancient and proud people that have endured much over history, from their incessant feuding with the Khards to their eventual subjugation under them and subsequently the Orgoth, only to more recently find their lands split between Rynnish Llael and Khard-dominated Khador. They have traditionally favored heavy, cleaving weapons, especially axes. The Umbrean Waraxe is one of the most dangerous melee weapons in Western Immoren, especially when wielded by the sons of old Umbrey.
- Great Axes
- Umbrean War Axes
- Bastard & Great Swords
- Caspian Battle Blade & Glaive
- Light & Heavy Lances
- Bastard & Great Swords
- Short Bows
- Pistols
Umbrean Simple Weapons
- Hunting Spear
- Battle Axes
I make no claims that the above listings are perfect, and any feedback regarding what should be added or removed is welcome.
There is a mechanic in D&D 3.5 which might handle this. While it doesn’t solve the problem of races being proficient with martial wepaons they shouldn’t be, it does allow certain races to treat exotic weapons like martial weapons – i.e.: people trained to fight can use them normally. It’s called “Weapon Familiarity” – check out the dwarf, gnome & half-orc in the PHB for some examples.
Yes, weapon familiarity was a good idea, but one of the major problems I have with the martial/simple/exotic weapon proficiency system is the idea that somehow a 1st level character (e.g. a Fighters) would somehow be fully proficient with such a broad cross-section of weapons, including many that aren’t actually part of the martial tradition of his culture.
Simply adding “Umbreans have weapon familiarity with the Umbrean Waraxe” wouldn’t address this, IMHO.
Sweet great Archery write up!
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