With a recent bandwidth cap increase on my web server, evil little thoughts of putting up more stuff like my fftf, fftm, and star ocean ex galleries come to mind. Any requests from the hodgepodge of people that occasionally comment on this site?
Category Archives: Cartoons
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu
I’ve been watching the first few episodes of Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu as translated by AnimeHaven lately. It is by far the most mellow, realistic show I’ve seen to date featuring a young witch (mage, sorceress, whatever) in training. With silly shows like Mahou Tsukai Tai out there on the US market already, I’m somewhat curious as to whether this show will ever see the light of day in the US commercial market.
The show’s lead character, Yume, is a bumkin from Japan’s back country that has just moved into Tokyo to study under a master mage. She lives with her sensei at his place, which in addition to being his home and office is also a salsa nightclub/bar. The challenges she faces are largely internal in nature as she comes to terms with how her magic affects the people around her and society’s sometimes grudging acceptance of the supernatural.
Kiddy Grade Redux
Kiddy Grade’s depth and breadth expand quite dramatically around Episode 8. My previous review was prior to the release of these later episodes. My viewing of the series is currently at episode 19 of 26 total, with episode 20 downloading as I type this.
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