Site Move

For years I’ve been sporadically writing up web content on a handful of subjects over in the webspace provided with my basic internet service account. Finally I decided to shift over to a new server in the same datacenter so I could poke around with precisely the behavior I want, beyond that afforded even by my previous server’s rather liberal CGI, shell, and .htaccess policies. It also affords me an opportunity to separate my personal website a bit from my work email address.

While I was at it, I decided to switch away from my old install of Movable Type and use a brand-new, super-spiffy WordPress platform instead. Why? Mostly because I never wanted to pay for my blogging software, and folks just aren’t developing for the old MT freeware. This presented a bit of a problem, as I didn’t want to abandon my old posts, and the tutorial on preserving permalinks is… not really applicable.

Enter the Apache mod_rewrite package. I send a big tip of the hat to for your Mod_Rewrite Cheat-sheet. You’re wonderful, whoever you are.

2 thoughts on “Site Move

  1. Burrowowl Post author

    It occurs to me that this inadvertently turned into a May 1st Reboot of this silly little blog. I assure you it was unintentional, and will not happen again. Blech.

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