Freedom vs. Liberty vs. Anonymous

Some /b/tard getting banned

A lot of people like to talk about freedom. They like to hold it forth as an ideal, particularly in regards to topics like speech, association, religion, sexual preference, and so forth. Some even go so far as to criticize others for infringing upon their freedom of speech when they themselves are criticized. Recently, a spat between the likes of 7chan, Hal Turner, and some dude have brought the importance of the concept of liberty to the forefront of my thoughts.

Liberty and freedom are two words that express similar notions, but with a difference that can be very important. Freedom, it has been said, lets you make a fist and swing it where you want to. Liberty lets you do the same, so long as you don’t hit anybody. Freedom is the concept of being completely unfettered. Liberty is the concept of not being unduly fettered. Liberty of speech allows me to express my hopes that some ill may befall another man. Freedom of speech would allow me to tell somebody I’ll pay him to kill that other man. In a civilized society, freedom must be tempered. Until we can absolutely trust the judgment of all of our fellow man, we have to settle for the gentle constrictions of liberty over freedom. We don’t really want freedom of sexual activity. Take whatever crazy totally-gross act that could be considered “sexual” by somebody, then put it on the sidewalk in front of your house, where your kids play. You don’t want that. We don’t really want freedom of religion. Some religious texts, considered holy by many, call for acts of violence and slavery and infanticide. You don’t want that, either.

Recently Hal Turner, a neo-nazi radio host, was exercising his beloved freedom of speech when some /b/tards called up to exercise their freedom of speech by spouting off nonsensical 4chan memes. Hal was upset because they were mocking him and wasting his time, so he simultaneously sought to restrain the prank-caller’s freedom of speech while exercising his own by publishing their caller ID information in retaliation. A mob of anonymous hooligans proceeded to maliciously over-exert Hal’s freedom of speech by asking his web server to continuously pump out copies of his website until it was practically non-functional, and Hal had run up thousands of dollars of hosting bills. Further provocations and retaliations continue right now, well over a week after the prank calls that started the whole mess.

Even places like 4chan have rules. Sometimes these rules seem capricious, arbitrary, or pig-headed. Sometimes they stem from a desire to maintain some form of civil harmony, or at least keep things from boiling over too much. I find it interesting that Von Bluvens criticizes the /i/nvaders that took out Hal Turner’s (and later his own) web site for not believing in free speech, even as he seems to condone the moderators at 4chan limiting their own members’ freedom of speech. Seeking freedom of speech for yourself and limited speech for other is narcissistic or solipsistic at best, but more likely simply hypocritical.

With all that said, Mr. Turner and Von Bluven, you are idiots. You are small-minded men that have picked a fight with the wrong mindless mob of internet misanthropes. Everything you have done since the initial tiff has served little purpose but to agitate a hornets nest of nihilistic teenagers that collectively have a significantly bigger e-penis than the entire white-pride movement combined. You lose. Your loss here has become an eventuality, a necessity, a law of nature and of God. Even hope is forsaken for you now. There are consequences to your misguided attempts at absolute freedom of speech. You have called for violence against others, and have had violence (of a sort) brought upon you. Your hypocrisy and hubris is being punished. Accept it. Your best recourse now is to quietly disappear from the internet entirely. Don’t even declare that you give up. Don’t apologize. Don’t retaliate. Don’t complain. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be negotiated with. Anonymous does not forgive. Perhaps it will forget.

8 thoughts on “Freedom vs. Liberty vs. Anonymous

  1. Burrowowl Post author

    Oh, that wasn’t me. That’s just something the Von Bluvens guy had posted on his blog. A number of folks were skeptical that 4chan was actually enforcing its “no incitement to invasion” rules. He posted that image (with the IP address blacked out) as “proof” that the conspirators were being dealt with. Of course, an IP-ban isn’t much of a hurdle for the typical /b/tard.

  2. Burrowowl Post author

    Well, one important thing to consider is that the recent network attacks against Hal are not motivated by his political and racial views. This is a case of over-inflated egos, mischief, and escalating retribution. Hal calls for all kinds of absurd nonsense, and likes to claim credit when something bad happens to those he considers to be his enemies. This is likely more a case of a loudmouth being delusional, rather than a loudmouth wielding any real influence.

  3. Karuzikan

    The truth about the matter is that the /b/tards did it for fun and wanted to take it down for the hell of it. Hal Turner deserved what he got and is trying to lead a way of life that humanity looks down upon, and he is messing with a force that he cannot even survive against. There is no threat to his personal being, but there is a huge threat to his pride and he needs to realize when he has lost a war. There is not a single thing he can do to fix what has happened to him and he has been hit pretty hard, the best thing for him to do is to withdraw from the battle.

    As of lately, it is rumored that he will be taking this to the courts, and if so, investigation will find the stuff he has said about the assassinations, and since a threat is as good as the actual deed, he could be arrested on the conspiracy to commit murder as well as charges to start a rebellion against the United States, which is exactly what he is doing. If he wants to live in a place where that is all fine and dandy, he’d better go find it since not even Germany would be able to have him talking the stuff he has been. He needs to realize the world has changed, and I don’t really mind him having his ideals. I believe we all have our own thoughts, maybe it might be better if he keeps some of it to himself as some of us keep our ideas to ourselves.

    The freedom of speech goes as far as what is said in the constitution, but everything is limited under the understanding that there is a government and that they CAN control what we say and do. We do have the write to rid ourselves of this government if we voted for it, but don’t expect that to ever happen. Speaking from someone that personally knows people on both sides of this battle, I know where the line is drawn and i’m going to have to side with the /b/tards of 4chan as well as other websites.

    Racism in any form is unacceptable in the United States and only leads to the discomfort of others of all races. Some people cannot see past the colors and realized that the only flaw is their own views. It doesn’t matter though since all of this is just wishful thinking in the first place, and I highly doubt our would would be able to change.

  4. Burrowowl Post author

    From what I understand, Germany would lock this kook up. They have rather serious limitations of political speech that hints of their fascist past.

    As for political speech that calls for the removal of the US federal government, there has been a fair amount of precedent that suggests that the Supreme Court leans towards protection of the state over the protection of an individual’s rights. That said, a government can only exist while it holds the confidence of its people, regardless of what that government’s statesmen, laws, courts, or even army may say to the contrary.

  5. j hay

    posted to:

    FREEDOM is NOT Liberty

    From a linguistic, definitional and etymological perspective, these two words do not have the same meaning.

    I assert that in fact, FREEDOM is a fabricated imposter for Liberty. The founders of the United States

    understood this critical difference. This is why Liberty is the word used in the Declaration of

    Independence. Below is a comparison between the two words. This example, while not fully documented here,

    provides substantial and sound assertions. This comes after years of study in linguistics, etymology and

    history, as well as being a scholar and speaker of several languages.


    This word has two roots: FREE and DOM. In order to fully understand it’s meaning it is necessary to

    examine it’s roots.

    FREE means that which is unrestrained. This sounds pretty good. Most everybody would agree that they want

    to choose for themselves.

    DOM means to control or dominate.

    FREEDOM linguistically and etymologically means: “Control/Domination over those who claim to be free”

    When you see a bumper sticker that says: “Freedom is not Free”, they are 100% correct. Freedom is not

    FREE, it is not LIBERTY it is a ‘word-game’ meaning bondage.

    Plese look up the meanings of the term ‘DOM’ in the dictionary, Black’s Law Dictionary and it’s historic

    usage and etymological meaning. You will always find this word related to CONTROL and DOMINATION.

    Those who act irresponsibly and without restraint exercising their inherent powers without regard to causing

    harm, must be controlled and dominted by definition of the LAW.

    FREEDOM is like a blank check saying: “do whatever you want, hurt whoever you want, but we will execute

    judement upon you for your harmful actions”

    It is extremely important to realize that those who are FREE, and have LIBERTY must live by the golden rule

    or they are instantly ‘transformed’ (X-FORMED, “x marks the spot”) into those who are subject to ‘FREEDOM’.


    Contrary to many studies on the historic meaning of this word, the true root meaning originates in:

    LIBE in indo-european (aka: germanic languages, the ‘mother tongue’) LIBE means LOVE or that which one

    loves. Also LIBE refers to LEBEN which mean LIFE. Therefore Liberty means LOVE and LIFE. These

    word/meanings are fundamental connected meanings of LIBERTY. The writers of the declaration of Independence

    understand this that is why they did not use the “false” substitute-word ‘FREEDOM’ which truly is an


    I want this information to be of benefit to my brothers and sisters on this planet. If you read this,

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE spread the word.

    Love you all… Wishing you all happiness and joy…. 🙂

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