
I keep hearing people on the radio imply that Senator Barack Obama has no experience or accomplishments to recommend him for the job of President of the United States of America. Generally this comes up in the form of a pointed question thrown at a random Obama supporter: “Can you name one legislative accomplishment of Barack Obama?”

So if you’re an Obama supporter, here are two pat answers for you to keep handy:

Maybe you don’t want to read the actual bills, that’s OK. Just remember that he’s done more for anti-proliferation than his opponents have, and has done more for ensuring that the government is answerable for the money it spends than his opponents have.

A couple more things he’s done that you may want to be prepared to fling out when challenged:

  • Sponsored 280 Illinois bills that passed into law over eight years, six of which he was in the minority party.
  • Ethics & campaign finance reform, welfare reform in Illinois.
  • Expanded children’s health care in Illinois.
  • Federal ethics reform bill currently pending reconciliation with the House of Representatives.

More importantly, the true answer to a question of “What has Barack Hussein Obama accomplished in his life that recommends him to the role of Commander in Chief,” particularly in contrast to the presumptive Republican nominee John McCain:

Being able to hold notions like that in your head may come in handy in the near future. Oh, and screw you, Roger Hedgecock.