IKCG Official Preview

[Mage Hunter]The IKCG is at the printers as of this past Thursday, and after a night or two of joyous celebration, the Privateer Press folks have released an official IKCG Preview. This is differentiated from the various “sneak peeks” we’ve been given in the past in that

  1. It shows the actual version that is being printed, not a draft subject to changes
  2. There is a rather broad cross-section of content, ranging from descriptions of the Midlunder ethnicity, to the beginning of a multiple-page entry regarding Iosan Mage Hunters, to descriptions of Wurmist Cults, to rules regarding the creation of Mechanikal magic items
  3. It is in the form of permanent content on the Privateer Press webpage instead of simply an entry in the “From the EIC‘s Desk” section, which I’ve always perceived as temporary.

It looks like their server has fallen over, so I am putting up a temporary mirror of the IKCG Preview PDF file. Download a single copy of it to your hard drive for posterity. It’ll be a few weeks before the finished product actually hits the shelves, so this will have to tide you over.

Here’s a direct link to the IKCG Preview. It looks like their name servers had issues earlier today, so who knows if the link will be working…

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