Dammit, Jim

By all account I’m no true Star Trek fan. I couldn’t tell you what shipyard the Enterprise C was built at. I can’t even remember the name of Khan’s wife. I enjoyed watching reruns of the original series when I was a kid. I enjoyed The Next Generation when it was new. I watched the first couple seasons of Deep Space Nine. I saw most of the movies. I watched most of the first season of Enterprise. That’s about all I’ve got in Trekkie cred, but I know bad news when I see it.

The new Star Trek trailer disturbs the heck out of me. It’s gone sweaty. Spock looks metrosexual (I take it the Vulcans have extra-logical exfoliation techniques). Was that supposed to be Scotty? Please God, don’t let the dude that played Harold appear as Sulu. I suspect this will be even more offensive than… Well, I’m just not sure, but I fear that the new Star Trek flick is going to be horrible on so many levels it’d make Christopher Pike blow out his “no” button.

5 thoughts on “Dammit, Jim

  1. chunkbot

    When I was watching this trailer, moments away from being disappointed by the James Bond movie, I said to myself outloud “Gene Roddenbury (sp) is rolling in his grave.”

  2. Burrowowl Post author

    I suppose it’s a bit unfair of me to assume that the dude who played Harold in Harold & Kumar will always be knows as “the dude who played Harold in Harold & Kumar.” But there you have it.

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