Meta nonsense

It’s conceivable you noticed some layout changes here recently. I finally embraced the fact that it’s the 21st century and jiggered the CSS and headers of the blog theme to something that works properly on smartphones.

On an unrelated note, expect the gallery to go offline for a little while. The old beast is due for some hardware upgrades and was never built to hold as much as it does.  A redesign for that portion of the site is likely.

Pardon our dust and all that.

8 thoughts on “Meta nonsense

  1. msilver

    Note to self: start keeping your own gallery of images.

    I totally spaced that you were doing this… and keep trying to load it to look up an RPG-related image.

  2. Steve

    Oh, Burrowowl! How I miss your eclectic gallery of visual internet goodies!
    Please bring them back, soon!

  3. Burrowowl Post author

    Wow, I really left it down for a while there, didn’t I? I should dig up a Phillips-head screwdriver and get that thing back up and running again.

  4. Burrowowl Post author

    And it’s back. No visual changes, but the hard drive is eight times larger than it used to be and it’s running an operating system from this century, that’s good, right?

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