First 4th Edition Thoughts

Chapter 7, page 218

OK, so I’m a big boy. I’ve been in this hobby for a long time. Things have changed over the years. New ideas come, old ideas go. Some good decisions are made, and a few bad ones. Moving on can be daunting, and there’s always going to be a learning curve.

But putting the weapons on page 218? What the hell was Wizards of the Coast thinking? Page 100 (or thereabouts) is where player character equipment belongs in a Players Handbook, damn it! </nerdrage>

I’ll surely have some more coherent observations to share after things have had a chance to settle in a bit more.

8 thoughts on “First 4th Edition Thoughts

  1. Daniel

    I fully expect you to have these page numbers memorized, before we start playing D&D4. Your reputation is on the line, son!

  2. chunkbot

    It’s rifts, dude…

    Dragonkin… Tiefling… 3 kinds of elves… stat bonuses all the frickin’ time… it’s Rifts. I give up.

  3. Burrowowl Post author

    it’s Rifts

    Damn, Chunkbot. That’s pretty extreme.

    @Daniel: I’m working on it, man. The books haven’t officially hit the shelves yet, and they did crap like shove the magic item rules into the PHB this time around. It’s like the world has been turned on its head from my perspective.

  4. Turkish Prawn

    I’m really going to sound like an old fart here but… to be honest, I’ll stick with 1st edition rules. I’ve got the books, I know them by heart, I know there are huge gaping holes but you know what? I don’t care. It’s what I learned to play back in the 70’s and 80’s and I’m-a-sticking with it.

    Having said that and shown my self to be a level 20 Geek, it’s been years since the maps, dice, figurines and DMG has seen the light of day.

    Having said THAT… It looks like my old gaming buddies are all going to come to my place for a long weekend this summer. 1st time in years. Break out the Coke and chips and don’t wait up!

    Turkish Prawn

  5. Burrowowl Post author

    I’m sure that at some point I’ll settle down and refuse new editions, but I’m just not there yet. There have been significant aspects to each of the prior versions of the Dungeons & Dragons rules that have chafed me pretty badly over the years, sending me off to dabble in systems like Earthdawn and Cyberpunk and Teenagers from Outer Space and Spirit of the Century and so on and so forth. Mileage may vary and all that.

  6. Turkish Prawn

    Did you just say TFOS?
    *Picks laptop up off floor where it hit when he jumped up*

    Man, I LOVED that game! It made for a great diversion and break from the “serious” gaming. Our games had a very heavy Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy bend. I’m just smoked that anyone out side of our little gaming circle remembers that one.

    Turkish Prawn

  7. Burrowowl Post author

    You bet your ass I played TFOS. R. Talsorian produced some of my favorite games when I was younger. Rules like “nobody ever dies” and “you will never get laid” always helped make for some excellent over-the-top “drama.”

  8. Turkish Prawn

    My favorite line was from the intro where the author accuses the buyer of picking up the game because of “the cute little cheesecake on the cover”.

    One of the things that I liked about this game was how omnipotent it made the GM. As I recall, it pretty much threw it all on him/her and told the players that if they wanted things to go their way, to bribe the GM with food.

    Take that “rules quoters!”

    Now I’m going to have to see if I can put my hands on the playbook again. It’ll be in the basement. In a box… under stuff… and bugs.

    Turkish Prawn

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