Category Archives: DnD

IKCG Sneak Peek 6

[the signing of the Corvis Treaties]I suppose we didn’t really expect to get the IKCG in April of this year, though there was talk of it being sent to the printers “for April.” This is now being interpreted as meaning that the printers should have everything by May, will subsequently print it, and it will hit the streets by some time in… 2043. In a continuing effort to keep the decreasingly-rabid fanbase interest piqued, the folks at Privateer Press have released another peek Behind the Iron Curtain. This time we get a rather neato grayscale image (presumably from the book) and some historical information about the tenative peace between Cygnar, Llael, Ord, and Khador (the Iron Kingdoms proper).

This version of the Iron Kingdoms history varies a bit from my previous understanding of things (as it implies that the Protectorate of Menoth, the Scharde Islands, Rhul, and Ios were signatories to the treaty). Older history info implied that the Corvis Treaties were specifically crafted to ensure an end to hostilities between the four human counties on the continent (the Protectorate did not yet exist, and Rhul and Ios simply weren’t involved). Perhaps it’s just some tricky wording in the second sentence throwing me for a loop.

Map Folio

dungeons and... dungeonsFile under “I’m a lazy DM…” Our buddies at WotC have been putting out a map a week for those of us who are work-ethic-challenged. Many people, myself included, like to be nice and prepared, with relevant statistics for NPCs, notes on general plot flow, and bookmarks for quick rules-referencing. However, toiling away with a pencil and graph paper is time consuming, and compter-assisted cartography software has a bit of a learning curve before you can generate quality output. The Map a Week feature has been a godsend for such lazy DMs. Now we’re taking things a bit further.

Can’t be bothered to draw your own maps? Don’t want to use paper and toner? Don’t have a printer handy? Check out the upcoming Map Folio supplement, complete with what are tauted to be high-quality one-page prints of general-purpose duneon, stronghold, building, and town maps. I may not be motivated enough by my own sense of slack to dish out money for 32 maps, color or otherwise, but I’m sure there will be a lot of folks who will truely appreciate this stuff.

Sneak Attacks The WOTC Way

Still the wrong dagger-wielding mofo to mess withIt looks like WotC is at it again, working hard to make my D&D articles less relevant. After all the hard work I put into my Milking the Sneak Attack article back in September, they have posted a Rule of the Game article named “All about Sneak Attack.” In it, the able and competant Skip Williams begins to demystify the Sneak Attack class ability, when it applies, when it doesn’t, and how to go about using it. So far there is only one article in what appears to be a series, but this more authoritative look at the rules authored by one of the co-creators of D&D 3.0 and published under the auspices of Wizards of the Coast will likely serve to marginalize the trickle of D&D-related search engine traffic to this site even more. Good. Keep up the good work, folks!