Category Archives: DnD

IKCG – Another Peek

Arcane Mechanik at workPrivateer Press has intensified its keeping-the-customers-tantalized campaign, and appears now to be making good on EIC Joe Martin’s promise to give us glimpses of the upcoming Iron Kingdoms Character Guide and Iron Kingdoms World Guide until such time as they are actually printed and distributed. The most recent installment includes a look at the names and prerequisites of new feats, as well as a chart of class skills for classes unique to the Iron Kingdoms. This is, I must admit, exactly the kind of information that doesn’t terribly interest me, but it is good to see that real progress is actually being made. I look forward to the next installment of the “Behind the Iron Curtain” articles.

Stacking the WotC way

layers upon layersIt looks like the fine folks at WotC have a clear understanding of what people find confusing about their ruleset. In what I must say is a far more exhaustive and clearminded article Does it Stack? they take the same look at bonuses and penalties that I took in Stacking – Types of Bonuses a year ago. They have released three installments so far, and if you don’t get the point by the end of part two, well… There’s more.

Mixed Blessings

Gobber PowerFile under “be careful what you wish for.”

Matt Wilson from Privateer Press recently announced that the IKCG will likely hit the streets in April of 2004. We’ve heard things like this before, and the IKCG has been notoriously over-delayed by a variety of factors before. Not the least of these factors was the sheer volume of material that the PP crew came up with. They were shooting for a 300-page resource to help players and DMs immerse themselves into the Iron Kingdoms. Instead the project snowballed into 700 pages of art, rules, and flavor, of which they were loathe to drop… anything.

So here’s the mixed blessing: Instead of a single 300-page IKCG with a bunch of savage cuts to flavor and rules, we’re going to be getting two hefty tomes instead, an IKCG in April full of crunchy rules, prestige classes, feats, spells, and equipment, and an IKWG released sometime later full of fluffy historical, religious, cultural, and regional information. I have mixed feelings about this, as I was hoping for more fluff sooner than later, but I suppose this is better than perfectly good setting information ending up on the cutting-room floor, eh?