If it comes to you as a shock that fighters make excellent ranged damage-dealers then you either had your head up your ass or you didn’t read the rules.
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Category Archives: Rules
Fighter Feats – Weapon Path
Pick your weapon, pick it well. Invest feats into its efficacy which pursuing other paths. What was Ogami Itto without his fabled Dotanuki, after all? Well he was still a badass, but especially with that Dotanuki sword.
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Fighter Feats – Mounted Combat Path
Ah, the noble Cavalier. The ruthless Tartar ravaging the countryside… History and legend are full of accomplished Guys-On-Horses. The mounted Combat path takes care of many of the problems fighters had back in the 2nd Edition game, most notably the relative frailty of a mount compared to its accomplished rider. Horsies don’t get XP, you know.
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