PPPoE on 2wires

2wire Homeportal 1000 HW

The 2wire Home Portal 1000 HW and 2wire Home Portal 1000 SW are ADSL modems with integrated NAT routing and WiFi, and perform as a PPPoE client for their local area networks. For connections that do not use the PPPoE protocol, some configuration is required.

  1. Go to http://home/setup/ in the browser of your choice. If this doesn’t work, try or
  2. You may be challenged for a login name and password to proceed.
  3. You should be prompted for a key code:
    • For a DHCP setup, enter the following code: 5225-26Q4-2262-22AS-B28F
    • For a Static IP setup, enter the following code instead: 5225-26R4-2E62-22AS-B27H

Alternately, you can use the normal web interface with the following procedure:

  1. First, you’ll need to access the 2wire’s web interface. Go to http://home/ in the web browser of your choice. If this doesn’t work, try or
  2. You may be challenged for a username and password
  3. Select “Broadband Link”
  4. Select “Advanced Settings”
  5. Change connection type to “Direct IP (DHCP or Static)”
    • Make sure that both the Broadband IP and Broadband DNS are set to “Obtain Automatically” if you wish to use DHCP for network configuration.
    • For a static configuration, furnish the IP address, Gateway, Subnet Mask, and DNS settings as provided by your ISP.

If for some reason you are challenged for a login name and password you do not know, contact the folks that sold you your 2wire Homeportal. Rumor has it that repeatedly requesting a password hint may cause some models to prompt for the 2wire’s serial number instead. I have not confirmed this.

5 thoughts on “PPPoE on 2wires

  1. rogerbean

    glad to see info on the 2wire bought one in ch il.3.00,andfree the larger home portal100.didnt want to buy from bell outh,so i found westell for 1.oo.not sure what all your talking about above, but i need to find out

  2. Norma Rivera

    Mi problema es el siguiente…
    El dia de ayer estaba teniendo muchos problemas en mi cyber porque tengo la mitad de las computadoras con Ethernet y la otra con wireless, entonces, lo que se me hizo mas facil, fue entrar al home de mi modem, y segun yo, como toda mexicana clasicota, me puse a moverle a lo *******… Entonces, lo primero que hize fue verificar la velocidad de banda ancha que tengo, y esta a 5 Megas, y a mi computadora estaba de velocidad saliente 384 Kb mas o menos.. Tons que se me ocurre meterme a las configuraciones avanzadas, y ahi fue donde litetalmente me la pele… Sin querer, quite el nombre de usuario y la contraseƱa del PPPoE, y ahora solo tengo acceso local pero nada de internet.
    Luego, me fui a Diagnosticar, y me decia: “El nombre de usuario y contraseƱa no son correctos” y me imagino que fue gracias a que lo modifique… Tons

    Ese modem, o mas bien donde trabajo, no es mio mio, y si no lo cambio para el dia de hoy, mi jefe facilito me cuelga!! Necesito ayuda urgentemente de como hacerle para recuperar esos datos!!

    Mi pellejo depende de eso!


  3. Burrowowl Post author

    I’m sorry, Norma, but making PPPoE work right is exactly what this article is not about. If you are being prompted for your authentication credentials, this would tend to indicate that your service provider has changed your password. It is also possible that your service provider is having a problem with its authentication servers. Contacting your ISP is the best course of action.

  4. Visitor Guy

    I’m assuming Norma has resolved the problem by now.
    If not, it is simple.
    Your PPPoE user name is your main email address (with your service provider).
    The password is the one you use for the above mentioned email address.

    I am not sure about your provider, but for AT&T (my provider), and for PPPoE, the correct key code is this:

    Key Code: 52EU-2374-6262-22AS-B22Y

    I hope this will at least help someone else down the road.

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